Felice H. Schnoll-Sussman, MD
Jay Monahan Center for Gastrointestinal Health
New York-Presbyterian Hospital/ Weill Cornell Medical Center
The month of March, which many know as colon cancer awareness month is here, but colon cancer does not affect people only during this first month of Spring. Colon cancer affects people every hour, every day, every year. Colon cancer is not biased or gender specific, it affects both men and women alike. But the fact that remains constant for all is that this disease is treatable and preventable! There are many screening options and methods available to patients today. Pay attention to your body and know your family history. My hope is that through this series of education videos you are prompted to have the conversation with your doctor. Do yourself the favor of a life saving procedure and remember, you cannot die of embarrassment!
Go here to learn about early detection on our YouTube channel.
Additional informative videos will be added in the days to come.