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Hercules® 100

Transnasal Esophageal Balloon


Hercules 100 Hero Image

Created for patients. Designed for ENTs.

We were one of the first companies to have a three-stage balloon device that is indicated for use in the gastrointestinal tract. We’ve taken our proven technology one step further by creating the Hercules 100 Transnasal Esophageal Balloon–the first balloon designed for transnasal esophageal dilations.

How it works


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    Clinical Evidence Hercules 100
    FAQs Hercules 100

    Features and benefits

    Proven technology

    A modification of the Hercules 3 Stage Balloon, that allows for transnasal and transoral esophageal dilation. The balloon is known for its P.E.T. Flex material, which combines strength and flexibility for accurate dilations without conforming to strictures.

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    In-office approach

    The first balloon designed for transnasal esophageal dilations. These dilations can be performed in-office and the benefits may include decreased post-procedure recovery times, fewer complications, and potentially lower out-of-pocket expenses.*

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    Efficient procedures

    With a transnasal indication and a 100 cm catheter length that is comparable to most transnasal endoscopes, this device was created to meet the specific needs of ENTs and the transnasal esophagoscopy (TNE) procedures they perform.

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    FAQ video with Dr. Postma

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    Procedural video with Dr. Postma

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    Additional resources

    *Howell R, Schopper M, Giliberto J, et al. Office-based esophageal dilation in head and neck cancer: safety, feasibility, and cost analysis. Laryngoscope. 2018;128(10):2261–2267.