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Video Studio - Remote contributor guidance

Use your computer

Use your computer

(not your phone)

A hard-wired Ethernet connection is best.

If using Wi-Fi, ensure a strong signal and minimize other Wi-Fi usage in your home.

Close unnecessary programs on your computer.



Use a headset/microphone.

Please turn it on and connect it BEFORE clicking the studio link.

Do not use the built-in computer speaker and microphone – this is not optimal and will likely produce feedback and non-optimal sound.



Optimize your camera

Elevate camera to eye level (use books, stand, etc.), on a stable surface.

Center yourself

Avoid brightly lit and distracting backgrounds

Connecting to our studio

Connecting to our studio

We strongly recommend using the Google Chrome browser

Confirm your headset/mic are connected BEFORE clicking our link.

Go to

You may have to allow use of your microphone and camera

  • Ensure the correct microphone is selected using the “Settings” Settings icon
  • Type in your name and “Join Event”
  • The studio will admit you and you should soon hear from a studio team member via audio
Slide Control

Slide Control

Have slides? They will play from a computer in the studio. You will advance them remotely using Internet Clicker.

Open a NEW BROWSER WINDOW (not a new tab) on your computer

  • Open
  • Enter code: COOK (not case sensitive)
  • Scale your internet clicker window so it does not obstruct your view of the video feed from the studio

Use the arrows to control slides ONLY when it’s your turn to present

Internet Clicker does NOT allow:

  • Use of a pointer
  • Pausing/rewind/fast-forwarding video clips
After Connecting

After Connecting

Once the studio verified your connection:

Do not plug in any new devices

Do not close your browser window



Studio can’t hear you?

  • Click “Settings” Settings icon and confirm the correct microphone is selected
  • Use the chat function in the window to communicate with the studio team

Can’t see the image from your own camera in the small preview window?

  • Click the settings icon and confirm the correct camera is selected

Still need help?

  • Call the studio phone for help: 1-812-320-9511